Does running cause osteoarthritis? Recent research says NO! Runners are NOT more prone to getting osteoarthritis. In a recent abstract authors stated, "Habitual running any time in life is not detrimental and may be protective of symptomatic knee osteoarthritis". Some research shows that cartilage is regenerated with movement. Inactivity prevents cartilage regeneration. The mechanical pressure is good for your joints!
Runners do have a high rate of injury, there is risk of injury with all physical activity, particularly with one that is repetitive. Proper muscle balance, footwear, and training habits can greatly reduce the risk of getting hurt. The physiotherapists at River Heights Physiotherapy have specialized knowledge and experience keeping runners on the road. If you are interested in getting started on a running program, if you are a current runner who wants to prevent injury, or if you have a running injury we can help!
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